11 19
Dilip 11 19
Kelly’s presentation – Motorola works with governments to allocate bandwidth and customers who adopt or reject new technology; M is not a leader outside the U.S., Qualcomm became an IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) company and not a manufacturer. Infrastructure changes are sometimes capital intensive; Dilip used the example of broad, middle, and narrow gauge railroad track, changes are expensive, so a better train might not be used if changing track is prohibitively expensive.
Mary’s Presentation – Disney Japan vs. EuroDisney – Japanese accepted a Disney world that was identical to Disneyland in California; the cultural demands of EuroDisney (staff must dress and wear their hair per the rules, speak English, et al) were too difficult for the Europeans to accept. French don’t “escape” to a world in the same way Americans do, Japanese do. For Japanese, Disney is distinctly American; Disney stories are derived from Euorpean stories and include kingdoms and castles that are part of European history. Disney sold and now licenses EuroDisney to French government, and is doing better. The challenge of replicating the Disney experience outside the U.S. is great.
Steve’s Presentation – Free Trade Agreements (import and export) there are several FTAs, but no central database of FTAs. CAFTA (Central America) some smaller Central American countries fight the FTA. Goods shipped are now valued and regulated in standard ways more than ever; arbitrary pricing is no longer allowed. Some chemicals that can be transformed into dangerous agents require more paperwork. FTAs have different rules and regulations for transportation; balance of trade agreements play in, because there is only so much money that can come from France, China, et al. CFO is in charge of trade agreements. CFRs, federal code of valuation, impose fines and jail time for non-compliance; if valuation or mislabeling occurs, there are consequences. This is an example of the government, though less involved in Abbott’s business, “interferes” in the transport of Abbott’s products. “Governmentality” – a complex regimentation of behavior for legal and security reasons. Are we against big government because of "governmentality"? A small company could probably not comply with all of the rules and therefore compete with Abbott because of these rules.
Culture Matters
Chapter 1 – Culture Makes Almost All The Difference – Landes - Why have Japan and Argentina developed differently? All economic and political activity is predicated on three cultural conditions; culture both promotes and inhibits global commerce. Which cultural traits promote economic success, and which inhibit? How can those that promote success be developed, and how can those that don’t be managed without changing the culture?
Chapter 8 - Social Capital – Fukuyama – What traits make a society more effective? Trusting others to behave in a particular way, “radius of trust”. If the radius of trust is as wide as the whole society, there are high levels of social capital within the society. Externalities affect social capital; negatives and positives balance each other, e.g. Puritans treat the rest of the world like they treat each other, the KKK does not.
The Other Side of Outsourcing – Discovery/Thomas Friedman video.
Kelly’s presentation – Motorola works with governments to allocate bandwidth and customers who adopt or reject new technology; M is not a leader outside the U.S., Qualcomm became an IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) company and not a manufacturer. Infrastructure changes are sometimes capital intensive; Dilip used the example of broad, middle, and narrow gauge railroad track, changes are expensive, so a better train might not be used if changing track is prohibitively expensive.
Mary’s Presentation – Disney Japan vs. EuroDisney – Japanese accepted a Disney world that was identical to Disneyland in California; the cultural demands of EuroDisney (staff must dress and wear their hair per the rules, speak English, et al) were too difficult for the Europeans to accept. French don’t “escape” to a world in the same way Americans do, Japanese do. For Japanese, Disney is distinctly American; Disney stories are derived from Euorpean stories and include kingdoms and castles that are part of European history. Disney sold and now licenses EuroDisney to French government, and is doing better. The challenge of replicating the Disney experience outside the U.S. is great.
Steve’s Presentation – Free Trade Agreements (import and export) there are several FTAs, but no central database of FTAs. CAFTA (Central America) some smaller Central American countries fight the FTA. Goods shipped are now valued and regulated in standard ways more than ever; arbitrary pricing is no longer allowed. Some chemicals that can be transformed into dangerous agents require more paperwork. FTAs have different rules and regulations for transportation; balance of trade agreements play in, because there is only so much money that can come from France, China, et al. CFO is in charge of trade agreements. CFRs, federal code of valuation, impose fines and jail time for non-compliance; if valuation or mislabeling occurs, there are consequences. This is an example of the government, though less involved in Abbott’s business, “interferes” in the transport of Abbott’s products. “Governmentality” – a complex regimentation of behavior for legal and security reasons. Are we against big government because of "governmentality"? A small company could probably not comply with all of the rules and therefore compete with Abbott because of these rules.
Culture Matters
Chapter 1 – Culture Makes Almost All The Difference – Landes - Why have Japan and Argentina developed differently? All economic and political activity is predicated on three cultural conditions; culture both promotes and inhibits global commerce. Which cultural traits promote economic success, and which inhibit? How can those that promote success be developed, and how can those that don’t be managed without changing the culture?
Chapter 8 - Social Capital – Fukuyama – What traits make a society more effective? Trusting others to behave in a particular way, “radius of trust”. If the radius of trust is as wide as the whole society, there are high levels of social capital within the society. Externalities affect social capital; negatives and positives balance each other, e.g. Puritans treat the rest of the world like they treat each other, the KKK does not.
The Other Side of Outsourcing – Discovery/Thomas Friedman video.